
Advocating Life; Blessed with Ra'i Hamde.

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Location: Sungai Petani, Malaysia

Friday, March 29, 2013

Gaduh dgn nasi lemak...

Rasanya memang cukup time untuk keluar wad ... Pagi ni bila bungkusan nasi lemak tersentuh vodafone menyebabkan line disconnect terus marah kat nasi lemak tu..

Either that or K Miza is right.. They did send a lot of specialists to see me and investigate.. But one they did not send is the psychiatrist... Hehe..

Unfortunately although my fever is down to 37.3 this morning and I'm feeling all good and happy about it, when I asked if they could discharge me today Dr I asked me if I have seen my chart - and showed me - macam stock exchange volatility index ..

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hospital scene

Bila boring tahap maksimum...

low grade continuous fever... sangkut lagi la kat hospital ni. tak tau pulak kata demam pun ada grading.. hehe..

investigations are on going for the cause

investigations are also ongoing for the cause of low platelets and slight abnormalities in my blood.. at least nothing criminal about the investigations.. hahaha!

no answers obtained by the doctors yet.. or is it just me.. always the different one? :-)

(c)raosuryana 2007-2013

Friday, March 22, 2013

Sign of overstaying..

Dr Rw: ".. So mcmn? Nak duduk lagi sampai hari Ahad, for your appointment/review) with Dr K?.. Nak duduk pun boleh, nak balik pun boleh.."

I think the band at my wrist says it well enough. Opt out. Come back for review even though its just two more days. Besides, there's Supernaturals at home.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Masih di wad..

Ubat .. Ubat .. Ubat .. And ubat!! Kenyang!!

A small piece of holiday

... whilst at work in December

And then the operation

Alhamdulillah semuanya selamat, walaupun pada mulanya ada sedikit kerisauan kerana agak banyak hilang darah. Tambah 2 bag. And during operation tak semena mena bleeding through nose juga. Platelet much lower than normal. Dr nak kena siasat dulu. Dah nak wat camana kan, dulu kini dan selamanya "different. driven". Tu la dia.. To life!

Satu perkara yang paling tak boleh lupa ialah pada masa ditolak masuk ke operation theathre.. Alhamdulillah sangat sangat, rasa tenang dan aman dan cukup berserah, macam tak ada apa dalam dunia ni yang ditinggalkan, yang tidak selesai atau yang berserabut.

Tapi takat tu ja la. Post operation dalam ubat lali pun duk mimpi buat kes dan legal opinion la. Kalau betul dalam mimpi kes sure takda backlog dah. Hmm..

Masuk wad...

Hari pertama masuk wad 17/3, pk 9 pagi. Rilek ja masuk sendiri siap bawak bekal tosey lagi. Manalah tau kan duk tunggu anaesthetist lapar pulak.. Akhirnya bukan saja tosey dan roti planta, nasi tengahari hospital pun sapu licin.. Hai awat lapaq sangat ni..